This is a free sample you will only need to pay for shipping, however you need to send us the required photos.

 You can calculate your shipping costs here bellow the item description here:


Please send the following images in order for us to help you identify the required belt kit for your device.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do not send photos taken from the internet, please take the photos yourself, otherwise we will not be able to help you. 


If you have the original belts, please follow the following steps:

Click here to download our custom ruler


Please send nitid images, do not send files in .rar .zip or pdfs. 
The images must be from the equipment you have not from the internet or youtube videos, if you do not meet these requirements we cannot help you neither we will send you free samples based on internet information due to multiple variations that mechanisms can suffer. 
You can send the images to our email address: with the subject "Free Sample Program - Your device brand & model" - Example: "Free Sample Program - Cassette Player Denon DR-M800"